As of August 22, 2022, for Zoom One Business accounts (and higher) Zoom now supports the ability to translate 12 languages in closed captioning. 11 different languages can be translated to English, meanwhile English can be translated into those 11 languages. We’ve included a simple chart below to outline the bidirectional translation options available.

With this new feature, users can follow along with speakers of different languages if simultaneous interpretation is not available. For example, if a French speaker were presenting at a conference and you only speak English, you can now follow along in the closed captions. And, vice versa, a French speaker would be able to follow along with an English speaker via the translated closed captions.

What’s also really neat is the closed captioning works for shared computer audio, so videos with audio in different languages can be translated by the closed captions as if it were a participant in the meeting!
Now, we’re not saying this is the end of an era for translators and interpreters. The AI technology translating these captions is only so accurate, and in some cases it is still in beta release (specifically Chinese, Japanese, and Korean). If you need a perfect translation, you should still have a simultaneous interpreter with language interpretation enabled in your meetings to allow your audience to listen to audio channels in their preferred language.
If you have any questions about this new feature or if you would like your next virtual or hybrid meeting or event with this feature enable please get in touch with us and we’ll set it up for you.