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Zoom + Live Language Interpretation

by Sep 17, 2021Interpretation, Zoom

As May progresses and our team unceasingly revolutionizes the way that virtual meetings are made possible, we have continued to broaden our abilities to adapt to the ever-changing technological environment. With this, has also come a greater demand from our amazing clients, as video conferencing is constantly evolving. Likewise, our facilitators are constantly expanding their expertise, and always ready to assist with any advancements. Now that we are a team of 30, we are more than equipped to handle a wide-ranging array of virtual meetings on any platform, ensuring that meetings run smoother than they would have in person.

With more than a year of facilitating various meetings under FCCF’s belt, there have been numerous instances where clients have asked about the possibility of language interpretation. At FCCF, we value connecting with individuals all around the world and the positive outcomes that can be achieved as a result of effective interpretation. This includes reduced miscommunication, as all attendees will be able to have a complete understanding of shared information and overall enhanced communication through accurate conveying of information. We are happy to share that language interpretation and interpreters can now be included in Zoom meetings.

Zoom’s feature of language interpretation allows for attendees to hear the translated audio in their language of choice in only the main session of a meeting, by selecting their preferred audio channel. The available audio channels offered to participants are determined by assigning designated interpreters for the respective meeting. When participants select a different language audio channel, they will have the option of hearing the original audio at a lower volume with the translated audio in their language of choice at a higher volume, or simply only hearing the translated audio, with the original audio muted. As the host of meetings, FCCF facilitators would be required to assign participants as designated interpreters. These designated individuals would interpret the original language and broadcast to one language channel at a time. Up to 20 interpreters can be accommodated in a meeting.

If a meeting recording is necessary, there are a few things to make note of. Cloud recordings of interpretation sessions will only record the original audio of the meeting, meaning that translations from interpreters will not be included. Local recordings of interpretation sessions will only record the audio heard by the individual recording, meaning that a specific language interpretation can be heard as long as the individual is listening to the particular audio channel.

This feature is only available on business, education, or enterprise Zoom accounts. In addition, attendees must join the meeting through computer audio rather than the various options of dial-in, call me or mobile app offered by Zoom for the feature to be available. All FCCF facilitators are licensed with the proper accounts and are immediately ready to offer this feature to our clients.

How Our Team Can Help

Interpretation is a great way to improve communication across languages while minimizing the chances of misunderstandings or confusion in meetings. If this is something that you would like to ensure in your virtual meetings, feel free to reach out to your facilitator to set this up or reach out FCCF to include this in your next meeting.