Virtual Conferencing
FCCF has revolutionized the way online meetings are held through the use of various platforms, such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams. When the pandemic hit there was a demand for virtual conferencing in different sectors and FCCF took that opportunity to create a way for people to meet effectively and comfortably online. We are such social beings and virtual conferencing has allowed us to put ourselves out there and remain connected with each other (from literally all across the globe) through the use of modern technology. In the post-pandemic world, we wonder what the future looks like for remote conferencing. After experiencing virtual meetings throughout the pandemic, a lot of people have realized just how effective and enjoyable they can be (minus the Zoom fatigue). We were able to appreciate the opportunity to still meet with people online and have an endless realm of possibilities. Moving forward there are lots of work sectors that are met with the opportunity to switch to virtual conferencing permanently or can even blend the best of both worlds and have a hybrid model by incorporating virtual elements.
Tips for working virtually
Many of us who have converted from an in-person work setting to working virtually were hit with a big change in work environment. We went from knowing our day-to-day work schedules to trying to figure out to balance our work and personal lives when they became closely intertwined. We were presented with issues that were foreign to us, such as when to work and take breaks, where to setup a workspace, how to create boundaries between work and personal life, and how to build and maintain relationships with colleagues. Working remotely, especially when working from home a lot of the time, means figuring out how to address these issues and give yourself an optimal work experience from home.
Here are some tips we have put together to support a better and more productive remote-work life.