Inquests – Office of the Chief Coroner
An inquest is a public hearing designed to focus public attention on the circumstances of a death through an objective examination of facts. At the conclusion of an inquest, the five-person jury often makes useful recommendations that may prevent further deaths.
Below are a variety of resources available from the Government of Ontario related to the coroner’s inquests:
- Learn about the OCCs Code of Ethics and the Coroner’s inquests.
- The latest coroner’s inquest verdicts and recommendations.
The OCC posts verdicts and recommendations for all inquests for the current and previous year. Older verdicts and recommendations, and responses to recommendations are available by request by:
You can also access verdicts and recommendations using Westlaw Canada.
Ongoing Inquests
No Active Inquests
Check back at a later date to see if any inquests are proceeding.
Past Inquests
For past verdicts and recommendations, you can visit the Coroner’s inquests verdicts and recommendations page.
Older verdicts and recommendations, and responses to recommendations are available by request by:
You can also access verdicts and recommendations using Westlaw Canada.